@Liam: Read some of MY recent posts please. Elders and other hardcore JW are TODAY screwing with people's lives.
I agree many have 'slowed down' since COVID, but COVID is only 4 years ago, not 25-35y as you seem to imply.
My oldest is 18, my second oldest is 13, the latter is definitely being impacted by strict JW rules and threats of disfellowshipping and fear getting kicked out of the house if they don't toe the line. The older one was taken from me 18 years ago by a cabal of JW elders and family and to date, they don't know we found each other recently - that is what a JW today does to me, I know who knows, most are still an elder today, 15 elders across at least 3 congregations knew, I'm sure there was a detailed record that traveled with me to the next 3 congregations as I was "counseled" when I got to my new congregation about my divorce.
Various 'pioneer' wives, people that were supposed to be my "family" and raised me, none of them have come forward, some of them died taking the secret to their graves, I was 5 years an active JW ministerial servant on my way to elder AND THEY KEPT IT A SECRET to avoid the 'scandal' because some uber JW's kid or their parents or the elders may have lost some privileges for a few months.
They didn't tell me when I was a JW, when I left the JW or when I got another child, they know who I am, they have my contact information, legal-technically I am not a disfellowshipped or disassociated JW, so even that is not an excuse.
A few years ago I posted letters from people that are going through various issues - whether it was ectopic pregnancy or being gay and those were letters to Bethel, read them, that's still how these tribunals are conducted - a 16 or 17yo was asked whose dick did you suck, ectopic pregnancy what does it mean, why didn't you trust in Jehovah and DIE. I was given the same spiel when it came to my 13yo child and blood, I just had a conversation with supposedly very active JW that believe miscarriages are because YOU as a parent did something wrong. Have they changed over the last 10 years, made apologies, set the record straight?
You have your blinders on, people are still being affected, people are still being sidelined and disfellowshipped and shunned and abused. See the arrests they just made in Pennsylvania, what was it 18 people that are active pedo's.